"Independently Taber owned and operated. Serving the communities of Southern Alberta for more than 50 years."

5006 - 48 Avenue
Taber, Alberta  T1G 1R8

Tel: 403.223.8778

Obituaries List

Vern Shelstad
1937 - 2023
Vernon Reidar Shelstad, beloved husband of the late Marjorie Shelstad, passed away in Taber on Friday, September 8, 2023 at the age of 86 years.

Ken Setoguchi
1934 - 2023
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Kenichi Setoguchi, beloved husband of the late Nancy Setoguchi. Ken passed away peacefully in Taber on Friday, September 1, 2023 at the age of 89 years.

David Snaith
1935 - 2023
It is with great sadness that the family of David Arnold Snaith announce his passing in Taber on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at the age of 88 years.

Roger Semaka
1937 - 2023
Roger Allen Semaka, passed away in Taber on Thursday, August 10, 2023, forty five minutes before his 86th birthday.

Allan Skretting
1954 - 2023
Allan Wray Skretting, beloved husband of Ruth Skretting, passed away unexpectedly on his farm west of Enchant on Thursday, July 6, 2023 at the age of 69 years.

Ron Sutka
1953 - 2023
Ronald Joe Sutka, beloved husband of Maureen Sutka, passed away in Lethbridge on Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at the age of 69 years.

Rose Schmitt
Rose Evelyn Schmitt, beloved infant daughter of Jake and Mary Schmitt, passed away in Lethbridge on Wednesday, June 14, 2023.

Matthew Sekura
1967 - 2023
Matthew Adam Sekura, passed away on Monday, June 12, 2023 at the age of 55 years.

Darrell Schmidt
1982 - 2023
Darrell Norman Schmidt, passed away in Taber on Thursday, June 1, 2023 at the age of 40 years.

Getruda Siemens
1948 - 2023
Getruda Krahn Siemens, beloved wife of Cornelius Siemens, passed away in Redcliff on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 at the age of 74 years.